Membership Plan
Putting Patients First
No Insurance? No Worries!
At Songbird Pediatric Dentistry, we're dedicated to ensuring every child receives top-notch dental care, regardless of insurance status. That's why we've designed an exclusive, affordable membership plan specifically for our young patients and their families. This plan covers essential dental services and offers discounts on additional treatments, making dental health accessible and stress-free. Perfect for families seeking comprehensive care without the hassle of traditional insurance. Interested in joining the Songbird family as a member? Give us a call! We're here to answer all your questions and help you get started on a path to healthy, happy smiles.
Exams & X-rays
Cleanings & Fluoride
Treatment Discounts
Baby & Toddler
- 2 Routine Cleanings
- 2 Routine Exams
- Diagnostic Digital X-rays
- Fluoride Treatment
- 20% off all other services
- 2 Routine Cleanings
- 2 Routine Exams
- Diagnostic Digital X-rays
- Fluoride Treatment
- 20% off all other services
- 2 Routine Cleanings
- 2 Routine Exams
- Diagnostic Digital X-rays
- Fluoride Treatment
- 20% off all other services
Learn more
- NO deductibles
- NO yearly maximums
- NO deductibles
- NO claim forms
- NO pre-authorization requirements
- NO pre-existing conditions limitations
- NO one will be denied coverage
- NO waiting periods
Memberships as low as
$20 per month
Unlock exclusive benefits and ensure your child's dental health with our affordable membership plan, designed to provide comprehensive care without the hassle of insurance.
- Comprehensive Annual Exams
- Routine Cleanings
- Discounts on Additional Treatments